At Bharatbhoomi Solar Nature Limited, safety stands as a fundamental value, intricately woven into all operations. Our dedicated staff and management uphold a commitment to health and safety, implementing an Integrated Safety Management System. This commitment extends universally, encompassing scientists, engineers, operations support, subcontractors, and all personnel associated with Bharat Solar Nature Limited.
We maintain a proactive approach, consistently enhancing systems to adapt to the evolving work environment. Our health and safety professionals anticipate changes, identify associated hazards, and develop robust control measures to ensure a secure and healthy workplace for our team.
In parallel, our Environmental Management System guides our environmental stewardship initiatives. From sustainability and pollution prevention to site conservation and resource efficiency, we actively engage in practices that minimize our environmental impact. Our focus on water and energy conservation, responsible transportation, material usage, education, and continuous improvement reflects our commitment to environmental protection.
+91 9454289592
10th Floor Rohtas Summit Building,Vibhuti Khand , Gomti Nagar , Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Pin -226010 Bharat (India )
+91 9454289592
10th Floor Rohtas Summit Building,Vibhuti Khand , Gomti Nagar , Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Pin -226010 Bharat (India )
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